26 Nov. To Grow or Not To Grow – 10 Strategies on How to Build Your Brand in China
Full house for Globeone’s presentation on the top 10 strategies for brand building in China at Serviceplan’s International Roadshow: Great discussions about how to build your brand in China with 80 marketing & brand managers including Tencent’s Managing Director Jeff Kwek.
„Anyone who wants to be successful in China also needs the right expansion strategy“. Dr. Niklas Schaffmeister, Managing Partner of the management consultancy Globeone, recommended that in most cases an adaptation of the brand is indispensable. Understand how your own brand is perceived in China. Build on local values when promoting your brand, such as national pride, collectivism, prestige thinking. Success case: a VW campaign that highlights the importance of the family, from ‚little emperors‘ to grandparents. According to Schaffmeister, however, the biggest problem is that German companies usually overestimate the awareness level of their brand“, writes the German marketing journal Absatzwirtschaft.
„The Tencent Brand Director was the star guest of the „Roadshow China Insights“, organized by the Munich agency group Serviceplan. With a market capitalization of over $ 500 billion, the Shenzhen-based tech giant is one of the world’s most valuable companies. In China they dominate together with competitor Alibaba and the search engine Baidu the online happening: Around three quarters of the mobile Internet use accounts for the services of the big three. And 72 percent of the 753 million Chinese mobile Internet users pay with Wechat Pay and Alipay . „It’s all about conversion, conversion, conversion,“ Kwek said. – Absatzwirtschaft