Are German brands ready for Purpose?

The topic of higher purpose is also being hotly debated in German boardrooms. However, many companies find it difficult to define a strong purpose for themselves and to put it into practice.

GLOBEONE addresses this topic in its new Purpose Readiness Study, as part of their “The Image of German Brands” series. Among the study’s findings, more than half of the companies and institutions surveyed show considerable purpose readiness gaps in their public perception.”


Facts about the study




Relevant Purpose Dimensions


of the most popular German brands


(Survey Period: August)

A Majority of German companies are not “Purpose Ready”

When is a business “Purpose Ready”?

By definition, the corporate brand should be seen as honest, authentic, responsible, sustainable and fit for the future. Only then can the company convincingly address all interest groups and be prepared to communicate its purpose credibly.

At its core is the question of how credibly German companies are already succeeding today in positioning themselves externally with a strong purpose. In order for a company to position itself credibly with a purpose that aims to contribute to a better world, it should be perceived by the public as having as few negative associations and scandals as possible.

Do your customers understand your Brand’s Purpose?

If you want to learn more, download our  Purpose Readiness Study here.


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    Is your company included as part of the study?

    or do you want to discover how to find your purpose and communicate it credibly? Contact us at

    Contact our experts

    Dr. Niklas Schaffmeister

    Niklas Schaffmeister


    Managing Director


    Carina Hauswald

    Carina Hauswald


    Managing Director

